Aerial footage of a cargo ship


Our team dedicated decades of learning and knowledge sharing to build deep technological expertise in closed-loop innovation, waste to resource, material flows, local supply chain resilience, and carbon reductions solutions. Leveraging our global influence we build commercially viable opportunity, solving problems at scale.

Find out more about our ideas below

Arrow pointing forwards
A cog with a magnifying glass

unique approach.

We unlock ingenuity through our unique research and landscape mapping tools that identify and evaluate future material and waste opportunities, feeding our accelerator model.

Horizon scanning
and hotspot identification

Circular systems
due diligence


global influence.

Thanks to our unparalleled global community of subject experts and cross-sector collaborators, we are uniquely positioned to unveil practical and scalable innovation for tomorrow’s circular solutions.

Our established network includes universities & researchers, to climate tech and material scientists, bio chemists, waste professionals, entrepreneurs, designers, government bodies, financial institutions, major corporations and NGOs. Being catalysts of circularity is what brings us together.

A £ symbol in the centre of network rings

intellectual property.

Through our ventures we build commercially viable intellectual property, solving industry problems at scale, generating game-changing impact.

Whether it’s building new patentable technologies to unlock value from waste, or creating brand new materials at speed using AI, we build highly valuable brand solutions that disrupt the current status-quo.

A cog with a magnifying glass

Unique approach.

We unlock ingenuity through our unique research and landscape AI mapping tools that identify and evaluate untapped waste streams and future material opportunities, feeding our build programme and accelerator model.

Horizon scanning
and hotspot identification

Circular systems
due diligence


A brain with network links

Data and innovation.

We bring bespoke AI tools and intelligence to material
flow challenges, supply network optimisation and innovation processes.

We offer lifecycle (LCA) deep dives and comparative analysis, working towards net zero carbon in your materials and supply chains. Our AI tools are designed by us to analyse and research material security, supply chain interventions and future landscape scoping for truly innovative, circular material development.

A globe with network links

Global influence.

Thanks to our unparalleled global community of subject experts, cross-sector collaborators and talent pool, we
are uniquely positioned to build practical and scalable innovation for tomorrow’s circular solutions.

Our established network includes universities & researchers, to climate tech and material scientists, bio chemists, waste professionals, entrepreneurs, designers, government bodies, financial institutions, major corporations and NGOs. Being catalysts of circularity is what brings us together.

A cog with a magnifying glass


We exist to seek, activate and scale technology and innovation that ignites circularity at pace, for maximum financial return and impact.

By combining analytical venture tools, scientists, artificial intelligence and robotic technologies, alongside deep expert waste and circular intelligence, we significantly accelerate innovation lifecycles.

A globe with network links

Global influence.

Thanks to our unparalleled global community of subject experts and cross-sector collaborators, we are uniquely positioned to unveil practical and scalable innovation for tomorrow’s circular solutions.

Our established network includes universities & researchers, to climate tech and material scientists, bio chemists, waste professionals, entrepreneurs, designers, government bodies, financial institutions, major corporations and NGOs. Being catalysts of circularity is what brings us together.

A £ symbol in the centre of network rings

Intellectual Property.

Through our internal ventures and external early stage start-ups we build commercially viable intellectual
property, solving industry problems at scale, generating game-changing impact.

Whether it’s building new patentable technologies to unlock value from waste, or creating novel materials at speed using AI, we build highly valuable brand solutions that disrupt the current status-quo.

A square circuit board network


We combine decades of sustainable and circular economic understanding to catalyse impact for people, planet and profit.

We aim to build the businesses and innovations of tomorrow reducing the circularity gap of our world. All our technologies have a direct impact in helping the world reduce GHGs and its UN SDGs ambition.